A re-introduction. | Letter No. 1

In order to step away, first step back into yourself.


For the sake of complete transparency, expressing my reality of clothes and my desire to connect further with each of you, I will start by writing regular letters here. My name is Kendall Nickolinè Falcon, I design and often make your clothes. I hope to be more vulnerable in conversation and let you into my process and my mind thoroughly. I want to discuss my journey, readdress my vision and express why all of this is so dear to me, why you are so dear to me.

When I began to create Clan of Cro I was 21 years old, I went to school for fashion design but when it came to starting my own label, I knew nothing of creating a successful business. What I did know is that I had the ability to make a connection through clothing, to try and to learn. Now years into the game, I am still (very much so) trying and learning. There certainly isn’t a handbook or any standard set of guidelines telling me which routes to take or what people to trust. Shy of mentorship - I was in for this journey on my own.

In the beginning it was floods of ideas, beauty of process and pure joy in small feats. In all honesty, I still feel this way every time I begin a new project or collection. And it’s that feeling that allows me to overcome failures, to push through when I can’t reach an unattainable standard I’ve set for myself - the torture that is self criticism.

I’ve held on to little rituals to stay present and inspired, to navigate my own mind.

I feel the need to re-organize and re-arrange my personal and workspace as a preliminary step. My sweet husband has learned this is an inevitable step for me to clear my mind. He has stopped asking me why this is necessary and moves the couch with me to it’s new destination. (Thank you, bee)

Mostly, I would just like to say thank you. Thank you to family, friends and clients for supporting me and for challenging me. As years have gone by I continue to refine a routine and attempt to balance work and life, though they are much of the same. I continue to design for you, the CRO: A woman known for her oddities, artful insight and expression through dress. My work is created for real expressive women, with boundless aspirations and an artful view of the world. With my each piece I hope to provide a medium for the woman wearing it. A voice, a shield, something resembling power and personality. And in turn, I know not every designer creates for themselves. But I am the woman I know best, and she too, is who I design for.

And a small but also kind of really big announcement - there are exciting new things on the horizon. While Clan of Cro will remain and move only onward, I am also in the process of creating another label called Nickolinè. A luxury brand with no bounds and a mind of its own. More on this later <3

